Toka tells the story of siblings who wrestle with a long-standing land dispute that has resulted in generational death after death, and is threatening to come to a brutal climax. This startling work of physical theatre about modern-day blood feuds in post-Communist Albania is delicate, evocative and heart-breaking.
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, which last year invested $153 million to bring the arts to Canadians throughout the country. Nous remercions le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien. L’an dernier, le Conseil a investi 153 millions de dollars pour mettre de l’art dans la vie des Canadiennes et des Canadiens de tout le pays.
Cast & Crew
Indrit Kasapi
Directed and Dramaturged by
Cole Alvis
additional Dramaturgy by
Donna-Michelle St. Bernard
Marjorie Chan
production Manager
Giuseppe Condello
Nicole Joy-Fraser Indrit Kasapi Kat Khan Christopher Manousos Riley Sims William Yong
Kat Chin
Assistant Stage Manager
Malina Patel
Composition, Cinematography and editing
Kejd Kuqo
Set & Props Designer
Andjelija Djuric
Costume Designer
Rachel Forbes
Lighting Designer
Melissa Joakim
Sound Designer & MIXING
Maddie Bautista
Storyboard consultation
Ulla Laidlaw
Digital Producer, CAMERA ASSISTANT
Indrit Kasapi
CAMERA Assistant
Dorjee Shavo
Head of Wardrobe
Joyce Padua
Production Assistant
Scarlett Larry
Scenic Painter
anna treusch Megan Cinel
Co-composer for MRS NOKA SONG
Nicole Joy-Fraser
Creative collaborators for choreography
Arlen Aguayo Stewart Tavia Christina Michael Caldwell Dylan Evans Virgilia Griffith Kat Khan Christopher Manousos Pulga Muchochoma Thomas Olajide Jack Rennie Riley Sims Brodie Stevenson William Yong
CHoreographic Consultant
Michael Caldwell
David Fisher
John Cabanela Joey Morin Laura Warren Meghan Speakman Matt Armour Aidan Shepherd
Photography by Brian Medina. Featuring: Nicole Joy-Fraser, Indrit Kasapi, Kat Khan, Christopher Manousos, Riley Sims, William Yong Last Photo: Top l-r Dorjee, Kejd Kuqo, Kat Khan, William Yong, Riley Sims, Maddie Bautista, David Fisher, Bottom l-r Melissa Joakim, Nicole Joy-Fraser, Christopher Manousos, Giuseppe Condello, Kat Chin, Scarlett Larry, Indrit Kasapi, Cole Alvis, Michael Caldwell.